BSO - Underworld: Awakening (Paul Haslinger, 2012)

Miusic by: Paul Haslinger
Genres: Soundtrack
Released: 2012
Format: Mp3 320kbps
Size: 109 MB


01. The Purge (Paul Haslinger) [03:02]
02. Underworld Awakening Main Titles (Paul Haslinger) [00:52]
03. Raiding the Army Surplus Store (Paul Haslinger) [01:44]
04. Non-Human Aggressor (Paul Haslinger) [01:30]
05. I Was Subject 2 (Paul Haslinger) [03:01]
06. Arriving At the Coven (Paul Haslinger) [02:23]
07. I've Never Seen a Child Like This (Paul Haslinger) [01:42]
08. This Is Not One of Us (Paul Haslinger) [03:19]
09. I Know Exactly What You Are (Paul Haslinger) [01:37]
10. If You Knew Him As I Did (Paul Haslinger) [03:46]
11. Prepare the Armory (Paul Haslinger) [02:09]
12. The Uber-Lycan (Paul Haslinger) [01:06]
13. Reanimation (Paul Haslinger) [01:16]
14. Then Came the Purge (Paul Haslinger) [02:29]
15. Selene Returns to Antigen (Paul Haslinger) [02:07]
16. Find Her and Destroy Her (Paul Haslinger) [02:27]
17. The Lycan Van Escape (Paul Haslinger) [02:14]
18. I Heal Instantly (Paul Haslinger) [01:41]
19. You Came Back (Paul Haslinger) [01:15]
20. Reclaiming the World (Paul Haslinger) [01:29]
21. The Melancholy of Resistance (Paul Haslinger) [02:40]
22. A New Dawn (Paul Haslinger) [03:36]

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