Título Original: Jack The Giant Slayer
Título Español: Jack El Cazagigantes
Compositor: John Ottman
Tipo De Banda Sonora: Score
Año: 2013
Formato: MP3
Calidad: 320 kbps
Duración: 73 min
Tamaño: 167 MB
01. Jack and Isabelle (Theme from Jack the Giant Slayer)
02. Logo Mania
03. To Cloister
04. The Climb
05. Fee Appears
06. How Do You Do
07. Why Do People Scream_
08. Story of the Giants
09. Welcome to Gantua
10. Power of the Crown
11. Not Wildly Keen on Heights
12. Top of the World
13. The Legends Are True - First Kiss
14. Roderick’s Demise - The Beanstalk Falls
15. Kitchen Nightmare
16. Onward and Downward!
17. Waking a Sleeping Giant
18. Chase to Cloister
19. Goodbyes
20. The Battle
21. Sniffing Out Fear - All is Lost
22. The New King - Stories
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