Título Original: Beautiful Creatures
Título Español: Hermosas Criaturas
Compositor: TheNewno2
Tipo De Banda Sonora: Score
Año: 2013
Formato: MP3
Calidad: 256 kbps
Duración: 70 min
Tamaño: 137 MB
01. Interception
02. The Caster Theme
03. Breaking The Ice
04. Macon’s Magic Wand
05. Dark Magic
06. Lena’s Magic / The Love Theme
07. Swamptronica / Voudon
08. Make It Home (Ridley’s Siren Remix) – Remix of previously released track by thenewno2
09. Sarafine At Church
10. Holidays At Ravenwood
11. Family Dinner
12. Ridley’s Claiming
13. The Spell That Left A Curse
14. Ridley Goes To The Pictures
15. Other Ways Someone Can Die To Us
16. Sarafine At The Door / Love Breaks The Spell
17. The Caster Library
18. Searching For The Curse
19. The Burning Sign
20. The Curse Reveals Itself (Tragic Love Theme)
21. Sacrifice
22. Ridley’s Swamptronica
23. The Honey Hill Stomp
24. Lena Runs To Ethan
25. Lena’s Love Rage / Macon’s Addagio
26. Mother and Daughter
27. Run To Me (feat. Ben Harper & Liela Moss) – Never before released track by thenewno2
28. Never Too Late (feat. Liela Moss & Thorunn Antonia) – Never before released track by thenewno2
29. Needle
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